You cannot solve today's time management problems with yesterday's time management. What we've noticed is the emergence of a new type of thinker. Somebody that we refer to as a Multiplier. Multipliers use what we call three-dimensional thinking. While most people only make decisions based on urgency and importance, Multipliers are making a third calculation, which is based on significance. And if urgency is how soon does something matter, and importance is how much does it matter, then significance is how long is it going to matter. It's a completely different paradigm. It's adding on to what is there. It's in with the old but it's also in with the new. When we assemble our to-do lists, we ask, “What's the most important thing I can do today?” But that is not how Multipliers think. Multipliers instead ask the question, “What can I do today that would make tomorrow better? What can I do right now that would make the future better?” The way that you multiply time is simple. You multiply your time by giving yourself the emotional permission to spend time on things today that give you more time tomorrow. That's the significance calculation. You multiply time.
Progressive Learning Session 5 (Consistently invite people you select from a filtered list of LinkedIn candidates). The secret to building a large network of...
This animation is about the process of making small, repetitive, consistent actions, over and over, until you suddenly find you have created something you...
Progressive Learning Session 4 (Create a Filtered List). This episode introduces the concept of creating a filtered list of candidates on LinkedIn, reaching out...