Latest Episodes
Pl-9 Improve your leadership
Progressive Learning Session 9 (Improve your leadership). Most people want to feel great, have lots of energy, increase their fitness, remain free of illness...
Pl-8E The Slight Edge
Why is it that different people with many of the same tools and opportunities available to them don’t have the same level of success?...
Pl-8D The power of Yet
Carol Dweck, a professor at Stanford and the author of Mindset, studies motivation theory: asking what drives people to succeed, why people succeed (or...
Pl-8C Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is your ability to recognize your emotions, recognize the emotions of others, and use this awareness to develop your behaviour and...
PL-8B (Intensity OR Consistency)
This animation is about the process of making small, repetitive, consistent actions, over and over, until you suddenly find you have created something you...
PL-8A The Power of Patience
Gabe de Jong was born and raised in Groningen. He studied business IT and holds a master's degree in change management. After a decade...